If you need to reset your account password, you can use the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page.
When you enter your email address on the email field, the 'Send Code' button will be activated on the right side. If the button is not enabled, please make sure that the email address you entered is correct.
If you have not received the verification code for password reset after pressing the ‘Send code’ button, you can try the guide below to solve the issue.
1) Check the email address
If the input email is not correct, you can not receive the verification code.
2) Check the mailbox limitation
If you use all the inbox capacity, you may not be able to receive emails.
3) Check the spam/junk box
Verification mail can be received by spam.
After trying all the above-described ways, If you still have the same problem after re-click ‘Send Code’, please contact Help Center to solve it.
I can not reset my password because my password does not contain speciál Mark in IT. Can you please help mě. I cant also delete acc bcs i cant login.
Já recebi vários códigos e mesmo assim não vai não termina o cadastro
Hi ican ppasswords
hi Army
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